FBstats Bingo is a free, just for fun football score prediction game. It is a mix between classic football score prediction and Bingo.
The bets are organized on a 3x3 board (see screenshots below). You get points for every correct bet and can make bonus points for complete rows, columns, etc. Have a look at the complete rules.
Actual running FBstats Bingo games:
Game Open bets (next 7 days)  
FBS Bundesliga 24/25 - sign in to join
Historic games
FBS Bundesliga 22/23 - sign in to join
FBS Bundesliga 23/24 - sign in to join
FBS Premier League 22/23 - sign in to join
FBS La Liga 22/23 - sign in to join
FBS Serie A 22/23 - sign in to join
FBS WM 2022 Katar - sign in to join